The not so grotty Lanzarote podcast show
A podcast about living abroad and specifically Lanzarote, a small volcanic island in the Canaries just off the West coast of Africa in the Atlantic ocean. Stacey and Spencer have racked up nearly 40 years of residency between them and therefore created a podcast as a place to share their amusing stories, talk to some of the interesting albeit charismatic residents/visitors and chat candidly about life as a British citizen on a Spanish Speaking tourist island. So, in true Lanzarote style, pour your favourite tipple, sit back and relax as we invite you to listen in as we cover all things Lanzarote.... the people, the place and its mystical charm.
Podcasting since 2022 • 8 episodes
The not so grotty Lanzarote podcast show
Latest Episodes
Under Locke and Lee (just the 2 of us) - Episode 007
In this episode in true Stacey & Spencer style we catch up, chew the fat and generally waffle on about all things Lanzarote. We cover some fun events we've been involved in or have planned, the rumour mill with the Lanza g...
Season 1
Episode 7

Sue Fryer Fugle - From competing in Lanzarote's biggest races to becoming a supporter to others, this vegan legend recounts how she took on the second ever Ironman hosted here and what she loves most about our beautiful island - EP 006
In this episode we chat to the well loved Sue Fryer-Fugle, she's well known on the race circuit here in Lanzarote and although she's not competing herself anymore she has made supporting others a sport of its own, as well as a passi...
Season 1
Episode 6

Wendy Allan - Her Life as a Lanzarote resident may be coming to an end but this won't slow this Line dancing Legend down, this is Wendy's story! Ep
In this episode we get to hear how Wendy left her homeland Belfast for Scotland and how her love for sports and leadership became a career which also led her to becoming a well known name in the line dancing scene in Scotland. We also dis...
Season 1
Episode 5

Ian Lane - From world travels to being on the board of directors at UD Lanzarote fc, this is Ian's Lanzarote story! Ep 004
In this episode we have fun chatting to our football mad pal Ian Lane about his start to life in Lanzarote in the early 90's and of course all things footy including how a simple request for a football jersey ended up with him manufacturing and...
Season 1
Episode 4

Claire Leadbeater - On early life in Lanzarote, family health struggles, her love for food & overcoming her biggest fear!
In this episode we chat to the wonderful Claire Leadbeater about her very own Lanzarote story and how she ended up living here for the past 25 years. We also enjoy a candid chat about her love for food and nutrition, starting a family in the ne...
Season 1
Episode 3